For the electronic measurement of voltages: AC, DC IMPL.,etc.,with galvanic isolation between the primary (high voltage) and the secondary (electronic) circuits.
Main technical data:
1. Primary nominal voltage VN: 50V r.m.s
2. Measuring resistance: RMmin RMmax
with ±12V @ ± VN max: 30 ohm 200 ohm
@ ± 1.5 x VN: 30 ohm 100 ohm
with ±15V @± VN max: 100 ohm 320 ohm
@ ± 1.5 x VN: 100 ohm 180 ohm
3. Primary voltage, measuring range: 0~±75V
4. Secondary nominal output: 25mA rms
5. Conversion ratio: 50V/25mA
6. Supply voltage(±5%): ±12V~±15V
7. Current consumption:10mA + Secondary output current
8. Isolation test: Between the primary circuit and the secondary circuit: 4.1kV/50Hz/1min
Accuracy – Dynamic performance data:
1. Accuracy @ VPN, TA=+25 oC: ≤±0.8%
2. Linearity @ VPN: ≤ 0.2%
3. Offset current @ IP=0: ≤±0.15mA(@+25℃)
4. Thermal drift: ±0.95mA(-25℃~+70 ℃)
5. Response time: not more than 15us
General data:
1. Operating temperature: -25ºC~+70ºC
2. Storage temperature: -40 oC ~+85 oC
3. Primary resistance : 5kilohm
4. Secondary coil resistance: not more than 110 ohm
5. Weight: not more than 85g
6. Standards: TB/T3021-2001,TB/T3034-2002,TB/T3058-2002
1. Hall effect measuring principle
2. Galvanic isolation between primary and secondary circuit